< Jordan in his snow jacket The family in front of the christmas tree in Idaho :) Jordan ripping papers upstairs also
Andrew and Jordan riding the four wheeler at grandmas house in IDaho and Jordan in his new sunday outfit Our stockings laid on the couch with care and Jordan opening presents
Here is a video of Jordan playing with one of his new toys....hope you enjoy! LOVE you all !
Here is a picture from my phone of our new home in Pocatello, Idaho. Me and Trena drove up to Pocatello from Jills house on saturday to get the keys and unload the stuff from our cars. Unfortunately our moving company can not get the trailer with our furniture and things there till monday afternoon. It was nice to go up and look at the house again and feel the excitement of it actually being ours now. Also i posted a picture of Jordan on the flight to utah. He did pretty good flying for the second time.