Saturday, January 12, 2008

Christmas Photos


Pranee said...

Hey Trena and Andrew,
I finally able to log into your website and really enjoy the photos. There are awesome pictures.. Jordan grew so fast and he looks more like a toddler now not a baby scary... pretty soon he will be a little boy.... wow...Hopefully we can go and visit you... DeeDee wants to go to see the potatoe farm as she learned from the us history.
Counting the blessing,
Dr. Pranee

Tim, Niccole, and Neva said...

I don't know who's cuter in this pic--Andrew or Jordan! (from tim)

Margaret Graham said...

Hey Trena, Andrew and Jordan,

You are such a beautiful family!!!
Thanks for adding to my Orkut, so that way I could come and check it out your blog, it's so cute to see Jordan walking.
Internet is such an Amazing technology. Anytime you guys come down, stop by or let me know so I can come and see you.
Take care and keep in touch,